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ANT_DLL.dll 64Bit ?


Total Posts: 2

Joined 0


i use the ANT_DLL.dll together with JNA in an Windows Java-Application. It works fine in a 32Bit environment. What should i do if i want to transfer it in a 64Bit Windows-7?
Can i download a 64Bit Version from this DLL and 64Bit versions from Silabs DLL's or must i compile the sources with visual studio?

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


We do not have a 64-bit version of the ANT DLL available. The full source code of it is available in the ANT Windows Library Package.

However, 32-bit DLLs do work fine in 64-bit systems, we use them in Windows 7 64-bit with no problems. Not sure if there are any specific restrictions for JNA.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 0


Thanx for your answer.
The problem is the using of a 64Bit-Java Runtime. It works only together with 64Bit dlls. If i use a 32Bit Java there is no problem.
I will try to compile a 64Bit ANT_DLL.dll but the other problem is the using of the two Silabs driver DLLs, i need 64Bit versions of them too...

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


You can download source at http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/ and compile for 64bit if you choose. There should be a new version of the libraries released before the end of the month with several compatibility fixes including a few 64 bit compatability fixes.

As for the SI dlls we have no plans updating to 64 bit version at this time. The libusb drivers already support 64 bit.      


Dynastream Developer