ANT Interface Reference

ANT API functions

ant_channel_open(ucChannel) ant_channel_open_with_offset(ucChannel, CHANNEL_START_OFFSET_NONE)

This function opens and activates a channel. The channel to open must be in an assigned state. When opening a master channel, a supplied offset can be provided in order to suggest a minimum channel start time offset (from when the command is issued) to the ANT stack. Specifying CHANNEL_START_OFFSET_NONE will result in default channel start up behaviour. When opening a slave channel, CHANNEL_START_OFFSET_NONE must be used.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to open. param[in] usOffset is an unsigned short (2 octet) denoting the offset from which to start the channel. See Channel Start Offset in ant_parameters.h

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_channel_rx_search_timeout_set(ucChannel, ucTimeout) ant_channel_search_timeout_set(ucChannel, ucTimeout)

This function sets the channel search timeout. For a slave channel, the configuration applies to rx search timeout. For a master channel, the configuration applies to timeout for starting a transmitter using group transmitter initiation requirements.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set.

  • ucTimeout[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the timeout value. When applied to an assigned slave channel, ucTimeout is in 2.5 second increments. Default = 10 (25s) at channel assignment When applied to an assigned master channel, ucTimeout is in 250ms increments. Default = 0 (disabled) at channel assignment

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_stack_init(const uint8_t *aucLicenseKey)

This is an internal glue function used by the nRF Connect SDK initialization code for ANT. It should not be called directly. This function initializes the ANT stack (including stack variables) and checks for a valid license key.


aucLicenseKey[in] is a pointer to an ANT License Key. This key is managed via the :kconfig:option:CONFIG_ANT_LICENSE_KEY.

Return values
  • 0 – Success

  • -NRF_EPERM – if the stack is not enabled

  • -NRF_EINVAL – if the ANT License Key argument is invalid

ant_err_t ant_enable(ANT_ENABLE *const pstChannelEnable)

This is a glue function called by the nRF Connect SDK initialization code for ANT. It is not necessary to call it directly. It is used to specify the total number of ANT channels, number of encrypted channels (subset of total ANT channels) and transmit burst queue size to be supported by the ANT stack. Upon enabling successfully, the ANT stack defaults to the values defined by Kconfigs ANT_TOTAL_CHANNELS_ALLOCATED, ANT_ENCRYPTED_CHANNELS and ANT_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE. If more channels are needed and/or more encrypted channels are needed and/or larger tx burst buffer size is needed, then the desired configuration can be specified to the ANT stack using these configuration variables. In this case, a static RAM buffer (of minimum size defined by ANT_ENABLE_GET_REQUIRED_SPACE) is supplied by the initialization code to be used by the ANT stack.

Notes: - Using ant_stack_reset() will not reset ANT stack channel allocation configuration. It will be maintained.


pstChannelEnable[in] is a pointer to ANT_ENABLE structure. where ucTotalNumberOfChannels is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the total number of ANT channels desired (1 to MAX_ANT_CHANNELS, defined in ant_parameters.h) where ucTotalNumberOfEncryptedChannels is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the total number of ANT channels (0 to ucTotalNumberOfChannels) that support encryption where pucMemoryBlockStartLocation is the pointer to an application supplied buffer to be used by the ANT stack. where usMemoryBlockByteSize is an unsigned short (2 octet) denoting the size of the given memory block (pucMemoryBlockStartLocation). The defined ANT_ENABLE_GET_REQUIRED_SPACE macro (see ant_parameters.h) should be used to determine the minimum buffer size requirement

Return values
  • 0 – Success

  • -NRF_EPERM – if the stack is not enabled


ant_err_t ant_stack_reset(void)

Function for resetting the ANT Stack. This is a blocking operation. If the operation has timed out (after ~2 seconds), then -NRF_ETIMEDOUT is returned and the application must try again. Otherwise, upon successful reset, 0 is returned.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


  • -NRF_EPERM – if the stack is not enabled

ant_err_t ant_event_get(uint8_t *pucChannel, uint8_t *pucEvent, uint8_t *aucANTMesg)

This function returns ANT channel events and data messages.

  • pucChannel[out] is the pointer to an unsigned char (1 octet) where the channel number will be copied.

  • pucEvent[out] is the pointer to an unsigned char (1 octet) where the event code will be copied. See Channel Events and Command Response Codes in ant_parameters.h.

  • aucANTMesg[out] is the buffer where event’s message will be copied. The array size must be at least MESG_BUFFER_SIZE to accommadate the entire ANT_MESSAGE structure size. See ANT Message Structure in ant_parameters.h.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_channel_assign(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucChannelType, uint8_t ucNetwork, uint8_t ucExtAssign)

This function assigns and initializes a new channel.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to assign.

  • ucChannelType[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel type. See Assign Channel Parameters/Assign Channel Types in ant_parameters.h.

  • ucNetwork[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the network key to associate with the channel.

  • ucExtAssign[in] is a bit field (1 octet) for an extended assign. See Ext. Assign Channel Parameters in ant_parameters.h.

Return values
  • 0 – Success





ant_err_t ant_channel_unassign(uint8_t ucChannel)

This function unassigns a channel. The channel to unassign must be in an assigned state.


ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to unassign.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_channel_open_with_offset(uint8_t ucChannel, uint16_t usOffset)
ant_err_t ant_channel_close(uint8_t ucChannel)

This function closes a channel. The channel must be in an open state (SEARCHING or TRACKING).


ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to close.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_broadcast_message_tx(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucSize, uint8_t *aucMesg)

This function is used to set broadcast data for transmission.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to send the data on.

  • ucSize[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the size of the message, ucSize must be 8.

  • aucMesg[in] is the buffer where the message is located (array must be 8 octets).

Return values
  • 0 – Success








ant_err_t ant_acknowledge_message_tx(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucSize, uint8_t *aucMesg)

This function is used to send an acknowledge message. This message requests an acknowledgement from the slave to validate reception.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to send the data on.

  • ucSize[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the size of the message, ucSize must be 8.

  • aucMesg[in] is the buffer where the message is located (array must be 8 octets).

Return values
  • 0 – Success








ant_err_t ant_burst_handler_request(uint8_t ucChannel, uint16_t usSize, uint8_t *aucData, uint8_t ucBurstSegment)

This function is used to queue data for burst transmission. After every successful call, the input buffer is held in use by the burst handler and must not be changed. When the burst handler releases the input buffer, it will either generate a EVENT_TRANSFER_NEXT_DATA_BLOCK event or clear a specified wait flag assigned to the burst handler. Transfer end events: EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_COMPLETED and EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_FAILED also releases the input buffer. Special care must be made to ensure that the input buffer does not change until it is released by the burst handler to avoid data corruption. Use of burst segment identifiers (BURST_SEGMENT_START, BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE, and BURST_SEGMENT_END) is required to indicate the sequence of the data block being sent as a burst transfer.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to do a burst transmission.

  • usSize[in] is an unsigned short (2 octets) denoting the size of the message block. Size must be divisible by 8.

  • aucData[in] is the buffer where the message block is located.

  • ucBurstSegment[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) containing a bitfield representing the message block type. See Tx Burst Handler Request Segment Defines in ant_parameters.h.

Return values
  • 0 – Success











ant_err_t ant_network_address_set(uint8_t ucNetwork, const uint8_t *aucNetworkKey)

This function sets the 64bit network address.

  • ucNetwork[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the network number to assign the network address to.

  • aucNetworkKey[in] is the pointer to location of the Network Key (8 octets in length)

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_channel_radio_freq_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucFreq)

This function sets the radio frequency of an ANT channel.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set to.

  • ucFreq[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the radio frequency offset from 2400MHz (eg. 2466MHz, ucFreq = 66). Frequency bands are capped to the Bluetooth ISM band. Min:2402 Max:2480.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_channel_radio_tx_power_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucTxPower, uint8_t ucCustomTxPower)

This function sets the radio tx power.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to assign the radio tx power.

  • ucTxPower[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the ANT transmit power index. See Radio TX Power Definitions in ant_parameters.h.

  • ucCustomTxPower[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the custom nRF transmit power as defined in nrf52xxx_bitfields.h. Only applicable if ucTxPower is set to custom tx power selection.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_prox_search_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucProxThreshold, uint8_t ucCustomProxThreshold)

This function sets the sensitivity threshold for acquisition on a searching channel. One time set.


ERRATA-153 and ERRATA-225 require the RSSI threshold to be compensated based on a temperature measurement.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number.

  • ucProxThreshold[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the minimum RSSI threshold required for acquisition during a search. See Radio Proximity Search Threshold in ant_parameters.h

  • ucCustomProxThreshold[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the custom minimum RSSI threshold for acquisition during a search. Only applicable if ucProxThreshold is set to custom proximity selection.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_channel_period_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint16_t usPeriod)

This function sets the channel period.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set the period to.

  • usPeriod[in] is an unsigned short (2 octets) denoting the period in 32 kHz counts (usPeriod/32768 s).

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_channel_id_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint16_t usDeviceNumber, uint8_t ucDeviceType, uint8_t ucTransmitType)

This function sets the channel ID.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set.

  • usDeviceNumber[in] is an unsigned short (2 octets) denoting the device number.

  • ucDeviceType[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the device type.

  • ucTransmitType[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the transmission type.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_channel_id_get(uint8_t ucChannel, uint16_t *pusDeviceNumber, uint8_t *pucDeviceType, uint8_t *pucTransmitType)

This function returns the current Channel ID of a channel.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to query.

  • pusDeviceNumber[out] is the pointer to an unsigned short (2 octets) where the device number will be stored.

  • pucDeviceType[out] is the pointer to an unsigned char (1 octet) where the device type will be stored.

  • pucTransmitType[out] is the pointer to an unsigned char (1 octet) where the transmit type will be stored.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_search_waveform_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint16_t usWaveform)

This function sets the searching waveform value of an ANT Channel.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set.

  • usWaveform[in] is an unsigned short (2 octets) denoting the channel waveform period (usWaveform/32768 s). Default = 316.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_channel_search_timeout_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucTimeout)
ant_err_t ant_search_channel_priority_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucSearchPriority)

This function sets the channel’s search priority.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set.

  • ucSearchPriority[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the search priority value. 0 to 7 (Default = 0).

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_active_search_sharing_cycles_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucCycles)

This function sets the search cycle number of separate searching channels for active search time sharing.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to configure.

  • ucCycles[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the number of cycles to set.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_active_search_sharing_cycles_get(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t *pucCycles)

This function returns the search sharing cycles number of the specified searching channel for active search time sharing.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to query.

  • pucCycles[out] is the pointer to an unsigned char (1 octet) where the cycle value will be stored.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_channel_low_priority_rx_search_timeout_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucTimeout)

This function sets the low priority search timeout value of a channel.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set.

  • ucTimeout[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the timeout value in 2.5 seconds increments. Default = 2 (5s).

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_adv_burst_config_set(uint8_t *aucConfig, uint8_t ucSize)

This function sets the advanced burst configuration. Configuration structure is as follows: Required Byte0 = 0-Disable, 1-Enable. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Required Byte1 = RF payload size. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Required Byte2 = Required advanced burst modes. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Required Byte3 = 0, Reserved Required Byte4 = 0, Reserved Required Byte5 = Optional advanced burst modes. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Required Byte6 = 0, Reserved Required Byte7 = 0, Reserved Optional Byte8 = Advanced burst stalling count config LSB. Typical is 3210 (~10s of stalling) where each count represents ~3ms of stalling. Optional Byte9 = Advanced burst stalling count config MSB. Optional Byte10 = Advanced burst retry count cycle extension. Typical is 3 (15 retries) where each count cycles represents 5 retries.

  • aucConfig[in] is a buffer containing the advanced burst configuration to be set (as stated above).

  • ucSize[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the size of the configuration parameter buffer. Minimum config set is 8 octets, maximum is 11 octets.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_adv_burst_config_get(uint8_t ucRequestType, uint8_t *aucConfig)

This function gets the advance burst configuration and supported capabilities. Returned structure is as follows for configuration: Byte0 = RF payload size. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Byte1 = Required advanced burst modes. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Byte2 = 0, Reserved Byte3 = 0, Reserved Byte4 = Optional advanced burst modes. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Byte5 = 0, Reserved Byte6 = 0, Reserved Byte7 = Advanced burst stalling count config LSB. Each count represents ~3ms of stalling. Byte8 = Advanced burst stalling count config MSB Byte9 = Advanced burst retry count cycle extension. Each count cycle represents 5 retries.

Returned structure is as follows for capabilities: Byte0 = Supported RF payload size. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Byte1 = Supported burst configurations. See Advanced Burst Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h. Byte2 = 0, Reserved Byte3 = 0, Reserved

  • ucRequestType[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the type of request. 1 = configuration, 0 = capability.

  • aucConfig[out] is the pointer to the buffer where the configuration/capabilities will be read to. The array should be at least 10 octets

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_lib_config_set(uint8_t ucANTLibConfig)

This function sets the ANT Messaging Library Configuration used by Extended messaging.


ERRATA-153 and ERRATA-225 require the RSSI reading to be compensated based on a temperature measurement.


ucANTLibConfig[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the ANT lib config bit flags. See ANT Library Config in ant_parameters.h.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_lib_config_clear(uint8_t ucANTLibConfig)

This function clears the ANT Messaging Library Configuration.


ucANTLibConfig[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the ANT lib Config bit(s) to clear. See ANT Library Config in ant_parameters.h.

Return values

0 – Success

ant_err_t ant_id_list_add(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t *aucDevId, uint8_t ucListIndex)

This function is used to add a Device ID to an include or exclude list.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to add the list entry to.

  • aucDevId[in] is the pointer to the buffer (4 octets) containing device ID information with the following format: Byte0 = DeviceNumber_LSB Byte1 = DeviceNumber_MSB Byte2 = DeviceType Byte3 = TransType

  • ucListIndex[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the index where the specified Channel ID is to be placed in the list (0-3).

Return values
  • 0 – Success




ant_err_t ant_id_list_config(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucIDListSize, uint8_t ucIncExcFlag)

This function is used to configure the device ID list as include or exclude as well as the number of IDs to compare against.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number of the device ID list.

  • ucIDListSize[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the size of the inclusion or exclusion list (0-4).

  • ucIncExcFlag[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the type of list as Include(0) or Exclude(1)

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_auto_freq_hop_table_set(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucFreq0, uint8_t ucFreq1, uint8_t ucFreq2)

This function populates the frequency hop table list. This table is used when frequency hopping is enabled on a channel via extended assignment bit.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to set the frequency hop table list.

  • ucFreq0[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the offset from 2400MHz of the 1st frequency hop value.

  • ucFreq1[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the offset from 2400MHz of the 2nd frequency hop value.

  • ucFreq2[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the offset from 2400MHz of the 3rd frequency hop value.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_sdu_mask_set(uint8_t ucMask, uint8_t *aucMask)

This function is used to assign a selective data update (SDU) mask (8 octets) to an identifier, ucMask.

  • ucMask[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the index representing the SDU data mask.

  • aucMask[in] is a buffer (8 octets) containing the SDU mask to be assigned to ucMask.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_sdu_mask_get(uint8_t ucMask, uint8_t *aucMask)

This function returns the selective data update (SDU) mask (8 octets) from the specified identifier, ucMask.

  • ucMask[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the index representing the SDU data mask.

  • aucMask[out] is a pointer to the buffer where the SDU data mask will be copied, the array should be at least 8 octects.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_sdu_mask_config(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t ucMaskConfig)

This function assigns a SDU mask configuration to a particular channel. The configuration specifies the mask identifier and the type of rx data in which the mask should be applied to.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel in which the SDU mask configuration is to be applied to.

  • ucMaskConfig[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting SDU mask configuration. See Selective Data Update Mask Configuration Defines in ant_parameters.h.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_coex_config_set(uint8_t ucChannel, ANT_BUFFER_PTR *pstCoexConfig, ANT_BUFFER_PTR *pstAdvCoexConfig)

This function sets ANT radio coexistence behaviour. Supported only if ANT is sharing radio HW concurrently with another wireless protocol. ANT Priority <-> Priority Mapping Low <-> Third Priority Normal (default) <-> Third Priority High <-> Second Priority Critical <-> Second Priority.

Fixed interval configuration - fixed pattern scheme, raise priority to high on 1/x intervals, 0 is invalid Keep alive configuration (time) - reactive scheme, raises priority to critical if channel blocked for x 32 kHz counts + next channel interval (e.g. 0x5000 will raise priority if 3 consecutive messages are blocked on a 4 Hz channel)

Configuration structure is as follows: Byte0 = Configuration enable bitfield bit0 - enable/disable tx/rx channel keep alive config (Byte4/5 & Byte6/7) bit1 - enable/disable tx/rx channel fixed interval priority config (Byte1) bit2 - enable/disable transfer keep alive config (Byte2) bit3 - enable/disable search channel fixed interval priority config (Byte3) else - reserved Byte1 = tx/rx channel fixed interval priority configuration (fixed interval behaviour) Byte2 = transfer keep alive configuration (raise priority to high after x blocked transfer events) Byte3 = search channel fixed interval priority configuration (fixed interval behaviour) Byte4(LSB)/Byte5(MSB) = tx channel keep alive configuration (Keep alive configuration (time)) Byte6(LSB)/Byte7(MSB) = rx channel keep alive configuration (Keep alive configuration (time)) Byte8 = ANT counts/16 spent in high priority mode during search scan. Byte9 = ANT counts/16 spent in low priority mode during search scan.

Advanced configuration structure is as follows: Byte0 = Configuration enable bitfield bit0 - enable/disable priority override config (Byte1) bit1-7 - reserved Byte1 = ANT priority override. 0 = low, 1 = normal(default), 2 = high, 3 = critical Byte2 = Reserved Byte3 = Reserved Byte4 = Reserved Byte5 = Reserved Byte6 = Reserved Byte7 = Reserved

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel for which the coexistence configuration is to be set.

  • pstCoexConfig[in] is a buffer containing the coex configuration to be set. Set as null for no change.

  • pstAdvCoexConfig[in] is a buffer containing the advanced coex configuration to be set. Set as null for no change.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_coex_config_get(uint8_t ucChannel, ANT_BUFFER_PTR *pstCoexConfig, ANT_BUFFER_PTR *pstAdvCoexConfig)

This function retrieves the configured ANT radio coexistence behaviour as described in ant_coex_config_set.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel to query.

  • pstCoexConfig[out] is the pointer to a buffer where the coexistence configuration will be stored. Set as null to ignore.

  • pstAdvCoexConfig[out] is the pointer to a buffer where the advanced coexistence configuration will be stored. Set as null to ignore.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_channel_status_get(uint8_t ucChannel, uint8_t *pucStatus)

This function gets a specific channel’s status.

  • ucChannel[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the channel number to query.

  • pucStatus[out] is the pointer to an unsigned char (1 octet) where the channel status will be stored. See Channel Status in ant_parameters.h.

Return values
  • 0 – Success



ant_err_t ant_version_get(uint8_t *aucVersion)

This function gets the version string of the ANT stack.


aucVersion[out] is the pointer to the buffer where the version string will be copied, the array should be at least MESG_VERSION_STRING (see ant_parameters.h) number of octets.

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_capabilities_get(uint8_t *aucCapabilities)

This function gets the capabilities of the stack.


aucCapabilities[out] is the pointer to the buffer where the capabilities message will be copied, the array should be at least 9 octets. Byte0 = Maximum supported ANT channels Byte1 = Maximum supported ANT networks Byte2 = CAPABILITIES_STANDARD. See Standard capabilities defines in ant_parameters.h Byte3 = CAPABILITIES_ADVANCED. See Advanced capabilities defines in ant_parameters.h Byte4 = CAPABILITIES_ADVANCED_2. See Advanced capabilities 2 defines in ant_parameters.h Byte5 = Maximum support ANT data channels (only applicable for SensRcore support) Byte6 = CAPABILITIES_ADVANCED_3. See Advanced capabilities 3 defines in ant_parameters.h Byte7 = CAPABILITIES_ADVANCED_4. Advanced capabilities 4 defines in ant_parameters.h Byte8 = CAPABILITIES_ADVANCED_5. Advanced capabilities 5 defines in ant_parameters.h

Return values
  • 0 – Success


ant_err_t ant_cw_test_mode_init(void)

This function initialize the stack to get ready for a continuous wave transmission test.

Return values

0 – Success

ant_err_t ant_cw_test_mode(uint8_t ucRadioFreq, uint8_t ucTxPower, uint8_t ucCustomTxPower, uint8_t ucMode)

This function starts a continuous wave test mode transmission.

  • ucRadioFreq[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the radio frequency offset from 2400MHz for continuous wave mode. (eg. 2466MHz, ucRadioFreq = 66).

  • ucTxPower[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the ANT transmit power index for continuous wave mode. See Radio TX Power Definitions in ant_parameters.h

  • ucCustomTxPower[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting the custom nRF transmit power as defined in nrf52xxx_bitfields.h. Only applicable if ucTxPower is set to custom tx power selection.

  • ucMode[in] is an unsigned char (1 octet) denoting test mode type where 0 = cw tx carrier transmission, 1 = cw tx modulated transmission

Return values

0 – Success

#include <>

Public Members

uint8_t ucTotalNumberOfChannels
uint8_t ucNumberOfEncryptedChannels
uint16_t usNumberOfEvents
uint8_t *pucMemoryBlockStartLocation
uint16_t usMemoryBlockByteSize
#include <>

Public Members

uint8_t ucBufferSize
uint8_t *pucBuffer