ANT+ Bike Speed and Cadence Profile


int ant_bsc_disp_init(ant_bsc_profile_t *p_profile, ant_channel_config_t const *p_channel_config, ant_bsc_disp_config_t const *p_disp_config)

Function for initializing the ANT BSC profile instance.

  • p_profile[in] Pointer to the profile instance.

  • p_channel_config[in] Pointer to the ANT channel configuration structure.

  • p_disp_config[in] Pointer to the BSC display configuration structure.

Return values

0 – If initialization was successful. Otherwise, an error code is returned.

int ant_bsc_sens_init(ant_bsc_profile_t *p_profile, ant_channel_config_t const *p_channel_config, ant_bsc_sens_config_t const *p_sens_config)

Function for initializing the ANT BSC profile instance.

  • p_profile[in] Pointer to the profile instance.

  • p_channel_config[in] Pointer to the ANT channel configuration structure.

  • p_sens_config[in] Pointer to the BSC sensor configuration structure.

Return values

0 – If initialization was successful. Otherwise, an error code is returned.

int ant_bsc_disp_open(ant_bsc_profile_t *p_profile)

Function for opening the profile instance channel for the ANT BSC Display.

Before calling this function, pages should be configured.


p_profile[in] Pointer to the profile instance.

Return values

0 – If the channel was successfully opened. Otherwise, an error code is returned.

int ant_bsc_sens_open(ant_bsc_profile_t *p_profile)

Function for opening the profile instance channel for the ANT BSC Sensor.

Before calling this function, pages should be configured.


p_profile[in] Pointer to the profile instance.

Return values

0 – If the channel was successfully opened. Otherwise, an error code is returned.

void ant_bsc_sens_evt_handler(ant_evt_t *p_ant_evt, void *p_context)

Function for handling the Sensor ANT events.

This function handles all events from the ANT stack that are of interest to the Bicycle Speed and Cadence Sensor profile.

  • p_ant_evt[in] Event received from the ANT stack.

  • p_context[in] Pointer to the profile instance.

void ant_bsc_disp_evt_handler(ant_evt_t *p_ant_evt, void *p_context)

Function for handling the Display ANT events.

This function handles all events from the ANT stack that are of interest to the Bicycle Speed and Cadence Display profile.

  • p_ant_evt[in] Event received from the ANT stack.

  • p_context[in] Pointer to the profile instance.