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Issue: Finding devices on Android 7 Nougat.


Total Posts: 6

Joined 2015-02-05


There is an issue with finding the devices on Android 7 Nougat.
Sample does not working too.
GUI go into an infinite loop!


Try https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dsi.ant.antplus.pluginsampler
to reproduce the issue.      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-02-22


Kamil Jakubowski - 15 March 2017 04:06 PM
There is an issue with finding the devices on Android 7 Nougat.
Sample does not working too.
GUI go into an infinite loop!

https://github.com/ant-wireless/ANT-Android-SDKs/issues/6 fnaf 2

Try https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dsi.ant.antplus.pluginsampler
to reproduce the issue.

I am also having the same issue. Did you find the solution?      

Total Posts: 13

Joined 2024-08-26


I appreciate the detailed insights regarding device connectivity issues on Android 7 Nougat! For those seeking an engaging platform to unwind and explore various options, I recommend visiting https://energysoft.in/ With .a diverse range of games available, it's a fantastic choice for anyone looking to enhance their leisure time. Their offerings are designed to provide thrilling experiences and opportunities for rewarding gameplay, making it an excellent destination for entertainment seekers. Don’t miss the exciting possibilities they have in store!


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2024-09-09


riki112 - 28 September 2024 01:18 PM
I appreciate the detailed insights regarding device connectivity issues on Android 7 Nougat! For those seeking an engaging platform to unwind and explore various options, I recommend visiting https://energysoft.in/ wordle unlimited. With a diverse range of games available, it's a fantastic choice for anyone looking to enhance their leisure time. Their offerings are designed to provide thrilling experiences and opportunities for rewarding gameplay, making it an excellent destination for entertainment seekers. Don’t miss the exciting possibilities they have in store!

Good information!      

Total Posts: 17

Joined 2024-10-22


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