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GFIT GAP Appearance


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2017-07-12



why is the Appearance (0x2a01) under GAP (0x1800) set as [5184] Generic: Outdoor Sports Activity when the GFIT module is configured as Indoor Bike ?

And there is nothing in the documentation to be found on how to change that.

Thanks ahead,


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2023-04-04


Hello Andre,
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The Appearance characteristic (0x2A01) under the Generic Access Profile (GAP) service (0x1800) is used to provide information about the type of device and its primary function. The value [5184] corresponds to the "Generic: Outdoor Sports Activity" category. If your GFIT module is configured as an Indoor Bike, it seems like there is a mismatch between the actual function of the device and its appearance setting.

To change the Appearance characteristic value to match the Indoor Bike configuration, you will need to update the Appearance characteristic (0x2A01) value in your BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) configuration. This is typically done through the firmware or the software stack used for configuring your BLE device.      

Total Posts: 8

Joined 2024-02-25


It's help alot.
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