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ANT File Share Host Download works ok, but Upload does not work


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2009-02-20


we received from ANT source code for a C++ program that
turns an ANT Module into an ANT File Share Host.

we made our own application that turns an ANT Module into an ANT File Share Client.

When the ANTFS Host requests to download a file from the client,
everything works ok consistently. The file is successfully downloaded. We are usually playing around with files about 40K big, and the burst transfer size is around 5100 packets, where each packet is 8 bytes big.

But when the ANTFS Host request to upload a file to the client,
we consistently get the burst transfer to fail with

I'm beginning to "suspect" a difference between the way the function "ANT_SendBurstTransfer" was coded inside "ANT_DLL.dll" and "ant_pc.lib", both librarys i received from ANT.

But I could be wrong about my "suspicion" above, please help us get "upload" to work ok.


Total Posts: 116

Joined 2008-11-21


Please provide us with more details (such as which reference design you have, when/where you got it, etc) for help with this issue.      

Total Posts: 12

Joined 2024-11-16


bro andrew tate save my life is the best motivational men of the world ok? ok 7u7