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FAQ: How to Enable ANT Serial Logging


Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


For debugging or for reporting errors it is often useful to retrieve the logs of the ANT serial communication to investigate the contents and ordering of the ANT packets directly.

To enable serial logging, before you open your connection to the device:

requires a define and two function calls:*
#define DEBUG_FILE

---C++ if using DSIANTDevice---
requires calling member function:*
void DSIANTDevice::SetDebug(BOOL bDebugOn_, const char *pcDirectory_)

requires a single function call:
ANT_Common:: enableDebugLogs()

requires using an additional app to get the serial info output to logcat:
-Download the ANT Service Settings APK from the SDK (https://github.com/ant-wireless/ANT-Android-SDKs/tree/master/ANT_Android_SDK/Tools)
-Run the app and change the ‘All Logging’ setting to ‘Enabled’
(if you don’t want all the logging, then only enable the serial logging option)
-All the service logging and ANT serial messaging should now show in the logcat output

*Additionally, if you are building the libraries from source, you need to compile with the DEBUG_FILE defined. It is not defined by default in most code we release.


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 24

Joined 2024-11-11


I enjoyed reading your essay. Please post soon; I need to read it. I hope the next update goes smoothly. Very engaging and helpful article. dordle      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2025-02-11


Your wording is very nuanced, adding weight to each sentence and emphasizing each slope theme.

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The creation of Snow Rider 3D has truly been a labor of love for me, and I am overjoyed to witness its immense popularity among gamers. Your comments and encouragement motivate me to keep creating games that people all over the world enjoy.