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Total Posts: 24

Joined 2024-10-15


When I urgently needed money, I decided to try to get a loan online, because I didn't have time to go to the bank. I came across the LendPlus website https://loans-online.co.ke/lendplus/ , and it turned out to be a real salvation! Everything went quickly and without problems: I filled out an application, and in a few minutes the money was already in my account. I was very surprised how quickly everything happened, and now I can recommend this website if I suddenly need it again.      

Total Posts: 43

Joined 2024-11-29


Sending money abroad can be a breeze or a pain in the ass, depending on the service. I was looking at a few options and go to the site https://sendwave.pissedconsumer.com/review.html to see what people thought. It seemed like a quick way to send cash, but with any transfer service you need to make sure the fees and exchange rates don't eat into what you're sending. I might try a small transfer first and see how it goes.