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Connecting to ANT+ USBstick through a USB-HUB


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2010-11-29



I am trying to extend the distance from the ANT+ USBstick and the PC using a USB cable. It works fine with a 5m USB cable and a single USBstick. Is it possible to connect 2 ANT+ USBsticks through a USB-HUB in the end of the 5m USB cable?

Regard J.      

Total Posts: 55

Joined 2008-10-24


This extension could work, but it is not recommended.
To ensure the ANT-USB work reliably, we have some suggestions:
1. The USB cable is USB2.0 or above
2. The Hub has to be self-powered
3. Use single hub instead multi-hub.
FYI : the datasheet of single hub product attached.      

Total Posts: 55

Joined 2008-10-24


the datasheet can be downloaded from http://www.bafo.com/menu-support.asp [file name=BF_3000_User__s_Manual__English_.pdf size=327123]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/files/BF_3000_User__s_Manual__English_.pdf[/file]      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2010-11-29


Thanks for your suggestion.

The hub I have tried is a self-powered hub. However, what do you mean with 'single-hub'? The problem is that I have to increase the distance form to PC to two USB-sticks, why I need a hub in the end of the USB-cable. Is this not possible usng a self-powered hub?

/Regards J.      

Total Posts: 55

Joined 2008-10-24


It should work if you connecte the self-powered Hub through USB2.0


Total Posts: 1

Joined 0


I'm experiencing the same issue. When I connect the ANT USB (Ver 2) to the computer directly everything works fine. When I conect it to a sself-powered 7-port hub, I can open the device using ANT_Init, ANT-ResetSystem, ANT_SetNetworkKey, and ANT_RequestMessage(0, MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID); and the device will work sometimes. When it does open, however, I can't open a channel (I timeout waiting for a response ANT_RxExtMesgsEnable(1) when opening a search channel). It appears that the timing is off going through the USB hub. I'm wondering if this will require some changes to the driver to be more permissive (timing wise).      

Total Posts: 55

Joined 2008-10-24


It appears something goes wrong in the enumeration of your hub and the hub has to be restarted to fix it. The issue causes the first few commands to succeed, then the device is hosed and further commands fail regardless of timeout period. It is nothing we can change on our driver as we are unsure if it is an error in the hub driver, or the hub driver exposes a bug in the libusb drivers which we use.
It would be helpful if you can provide more information: how many USB2 devices are used in the hub at the same time. What OS are you using?      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I am running on Windows 7 64-bit. Here is the hub that I'm using:


I also tried a Targus 4-port non-powered hub with the same results. I tested with no other devices connected to the hub, and tried plugging the stick into the hub, then the hub into the PC. Then tried the reverse: plugged the hub into the PC, then the stick into the hub, all with the same results. I usually can open the Ant dll and attach to the device, but lose communication when trying to open a channel.

I used a software protocol analyzer called USBLyzer to capture the URB's in both scenarios of plugging into the computer and functioning properly, and plugged into the hub and not functioning. Would it help for you to see those files? Is there a way to get those files to you to look at?