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Permission issues on x10mini


Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


I have a crash report from a X10mini running 2.3.4. My code is linked against the jar file from the 20120201 release.

From the logcat the critical line is

W/ActivityManager1750): Permission DenialAccessing service ComponentInfo{com.dsi.ant.service.socket/com.dsi.ant.service.socket.AntRadioService} from pid=3409uid=10058 requires com.dsi.ant.permission.ANT 

The manifest has the nessasary permissions and has been working perfectly well with other devices.

I don't have any more relervant information e.g. the version of ANTRadioServices etc. I would be suprised if there is an easy explanation for this I am realy just logging the occurance in case anyone else has seen anything similar.      

Total Posts: 39

Joined 2011-06-29


As far as I can tell, the permissions for ANT are defined in /system/app/AntHalService.apk, which must be defined at install time for both the ANT radio service and App. If the permissions are then moved or uninstalled the apps lose the links and can throw SecurityExceptions.

The fact that the X10 mini is running Gingerbread (2.3) is suspicious to me seeing as how Eclair (2.1) was the last official release for it. I know the X10 mini can do Gingerbread (2.3) with a CyanogenMod ROM, but am unsure if that ROM contains the required ANT backend (and permissions) to work properly.

My best guess is that someone upgraded from an official ANT enabled Eclair (2.1) with your app installed, to a non-ANT Gingerbread (2.3) without wiping the /data partition.      

Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


OK thanks for the analysis. If I get to see the issue regularly I will consider adding some form of warning dialog.


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2018-07-30


maurits.vanderhoorn - 13 March 2012 12:56 PM
As far as I can tell, the permissions for ANT are defined in /system/app/AntHalService.apk, which must be defined at install time for both the ANT radio service and App. If the permissions are then moved or uninstalled the apps lose the links and can throw SecurityExceptions.

I suppose the ANT HAL Service is not necessary in Marshmallow OS. And in newer OS (more than 6.0 version) developer needs to check and reqest permission manually in code, because permissions for ANT (I mean "use ANT hardware") are dangerous.
What do you think about it?      

Total Posts: 24

Joined 2024-10-15