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Is the device that you are trying to receive data from a device that you can control, or is it a sensor created by a different manufacturer?
If you can control both end points of your system, you would configure one device as bidirectional master, and the other one as a bidirectional slave. It is possible for the master to receive data from the slave that is sent on the reverse direction, however, the slave host application needs to transmit the data. Please refer to section for additional information on how to send data from slave to master, there is a diagram in this section that explains how all the messaging works when exchanging broadcast data between a master and a slave.
If you do have control of both devices (i.e, you are writing the firmware for both of them), you need to configure one device as bidirectional master (BASE_Master_Transmit_0x10)., and the other device as a bidirectional slave (BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00), with matching channel parameters. The master will transmit data on every channel period as expected from a master device; you can update the payload on the EVENT_TX. The slave needs to send broadcast messages for them to be received by the master; you can cue them off the received broadcast messages from the master, as described in section of the message protocol document.
If you have access to two USB sticks, I would recommend using ANTware to get familiar with all the messaging involved in this.
If i changed the channeltyp to BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, i receive data, but i cannot sent data packages back to the device.
Also, based on your original post
If i changed the channeltyp to BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, i receive data, but i cannot sent data packages back to the device.
If you are able to receive the resistance data by configuring a slave channel, it is most likely that the 3rd party device is configured as a master. This means your device needs to be configured as a slave, and you can send data back in the reverse direction. Confirm with the 3rd party whether they actually listen for that data on the reverse direction, or if they are expecting a different channel.