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N5 Starter Kit SDK missing header files


Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


Following the N5 starter kit user manual version 2.0, page 22 of 48:

1) I load the ant_io_rx.uvproj
2) I build the project

After step 2, I get multiple errors listing missing header:

Please advise.

Thank you.      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


I am also getting an error on open of the Keil program for programming:

"one or more device family pack devices are not present - would you like to choose another device? [Yes] [No]"

Any advice?

My IO board has gone through the programming the softdevice as mentioned on page 21. The IO board and ANT board are both left plugged into the computer.      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2015-05-07


Hello imginit,

This should solve your missing header file issue.
In Keil, follow these steps.
1. Click project, and select "Options for target 'nrf51422_xxaa_s210 (256K)" or use keyboard shortcut Alt + F7
2. Click on the C/C++ tab
3. Locate Include paths:
4. Add a new path for the location C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\ARM\CMSIS\4.2.0\CMSIS\Include\core_cm0.h

As far as the device not present, when installing the Nordic nRF51 SDK 6.1.0 did you use the installer or the ZIP file? Do you have the folder "C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\NordicSemiconductor\nRF_DeviceFamilyPack"?      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


Sweet. Thanks Michael. I'll give it a try.

I unzipped the SDK zip file into the directory listed in the n5 manual. Perhaps I'll have better luck installing from the MSI file?      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


I tried installing from the MSI file and got the following:

"The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2909. [OK]"

Any suggestions?      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


using the Zip file and updating the reference path:

it looks like it is accepting. I'll give it a go.

Thank you.      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


I setup the ant chip using nrfgo and proceeded to the keil compiler

The project compiled but trying to upload it did not work.

Any ideas welcome. Thanks again.      

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Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


Does anyone know what could be holding me back ?


Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


A new day. Another try from scratch. Any ideas? I'm really banking on this dev kit.

I keep getting this error:

Load "C:\\Keil_v5\\ARM\\Device\\Nordic\\nrf51422\\Board\\n5_series\\s210\\ant_io_demo\\io_rx\\arm\\_build\\ant_io_rx.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51422\Board\n5_series\s210\ant_io_demo\io_rx\arm\JLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "NRF51422_XXAA" selected (257 KB flash, 16 KB RAM).

JLink info:
DLL: V4.92 , compiled Sep 30 2014 09:33:42
Firmware: J-Link Lite-Cortex-M V8 compiled Jul 17 2014 11:40:12
Hardware: V8.00
S/N : 518005787
Feature(s) : GDB

* JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 4 code (BP) slots and 0 literal slots
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF003

Target info:
Device: nRF51422_xxAA
VTarget = 2.814V
State of Pins:
TCK: 0, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 1, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 4
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints: 2
JTAG speed: 2000 kHz

Erase Failed!
Error: Flash Download failed - "Cortex-M0"
Flash Load finished at 19:02:42

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Hi imginit,

Have you checked the Cortex JLink/JTrace Target Driver Setup?

In Keil go to Flash->Configure Flash Tools...->Utilities->Use Target Driver for Flash Programming->Settings->Flash Download

Under "Programming Algorithm" you should see "nRF51xxx". If you cannot find it, click on Add->nRF51xxx      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


I got it figured out. I was working with the N5 kit using the tutorial v2.0. The tutorial wasn't clear that I was swapping the N5 module on the I/O unit to load the soft device on one and the application on the other.

What I did to make it work:

1) placed 1st N5 chip in the I/O to get the soft device 4.0 loaded with nrfgo
2) placed the 1st N5 chip on the USB dongle
3) placed the 2nd N5 chip on the I/O and cleared the device with nrfgo
4) used the 2nd N5 chip on the I/O board with Keil to upload the program that was fixed with the steps suggested above.

I got it up and running. thank you.      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


harrison - 24 June 2015 03:50 PM
Hi imginit,

Have you checked the Cortex JLink/JTrace Target Driver Setup?

In Keil go to Flash->Configure Flash Tools...->Utilities->Use Target Driver for Flash Programming->Settings->Flash Download

Under "Programming Algorithm" you should see "nRF51xxx". If you cannot find it, click on Add->nRF51xxx

Thanks, I took a look and it was all matching. It turns out it was a much easier fix than I thought.      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


imginit - 24 June 2015 10:58 PM
I got it figured out. I was working with the N5 kit using the tutorial v2.0. The tutorial wasn't clear that I was swapping the N5 module on the I/O unit to load the soft device on one and the application on the other.

What I did to make it work:

1) placed 1st N5 chip in the I/O to get the soft device 4.0 loaded with nrfgo
2) placed the 1st N5 chip on the USB dongle
3) placed the 2nd N5 chip on the I/O and cleared the device with nrfgo
4) used the 2nd N5 chip on the I/O board with Keil to upload the program that was fixed with the steps suggested above.

I got it up and running. thank you.

Turns out this is a no go. Erased the network application that enables the ANT stick to talk with the computer. Got it reloaded (thank you dynastream for the guidance). I'm unsure why I was getting the error earlier but it's now gone.      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Glad to hear you got it working smile      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2015-04-27


Thank you. Unfortunately, this lead to another road block as follows: