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What is the difference between bit and byte synchronous mode?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


Bit and Byte synchronous differ in the flow control mechanism of the serial port. Byte synchronous requires that the host MCU toggle its SRDY line before an entire byte (8-bits) is sent or received by ANT. Bit synchronous requires that the host MCU toggle its SRDY line before each bit is clocked by ANT. That is, ANT will not generate a clock transition unless it detects an SRDY falling edge. Byte synchronous is most appropriate if using a hardware SPI module in the host MCU. Bit synchronous should be used if there is no hardware support for either synchronous or asynchronous serial communication on the host MCU and the entire interface must be implemented in software using GPIOs. This is also known as â??bit-bashingâ?.      


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