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Network Key for multiple channels


Total Posts: 6

Joined 2011-03-08



We are planning to design a watch that basically collects data from an ANT+ device (such as a heart rate monitor), then create a FIT file and then transfers it to a host computer via ANT-FS.

For this use-case, the watch would need to continually open one channel for ANT-FS to be the Client(Master) and then a second channel (on demand) for the ANT + device to receive real-time broadcast heart rate data.

My question is, if a channel is already using the ANT-FS network key. How would I go about opening another channel using the ANT+ network key? Wouldn't the use of a different network key reset all my previous channel configuration for ANT-FS? Is it not possible to have both channels operating at the same time with different network keys?

Greatly appreciate your help.

Thank You,


Total Posts: 47

Joined 2010-07-08


ANT allows for up to three network keys to be assigned to different channels on a device.

So it is not a problem to use both ANT+ and ANT-FS on different channels. Their configurations should not impact each other.

As for running both at the same time, this is not really a problem, but you have to keep in mind that the ANT radio can only be on one network at a time, so if you are in a long ANT-FS session, you will not be getting heart rate data during that time.      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2010-08-17


I am also interested in simultaneously operating as a ANT-FS master and ANT+ slave. Did you have any success with your system?      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


Yes, I believe that I just used the ANT+ network key for both the ANTFS channel and for the ANT+ sensors. Both channels can operate off the single network key.