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LogAnt Android prefs MODE_WORLD_READABLE not supported


Total Posts: 6

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On latest samsung S10 SM-973U Android 10
MODE_WORLD_READABLE not supported leads to crash.
Anyone have any info on this?

12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): java.lang.SecurityException: MODE_WORLD_READABLE no longer supported
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at android.app.ContextImpl.checkMode(ContextImpl.java:2788)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:471)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:461)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at c.c.a.g.c.a.a.a(LogAnt.java:62)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at c.c.a.g.a.c.a.bindAndRequest(AntPluginPcc.java:602)

Total Posts: 6

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android_antlib_4-12-0.jar antpluginlib_3-6-0.jar      

Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-02-02


can anyone from ANT answer here? and also, is this all we get as customer support?

As stated above the files do not work on Android 10, the system crashes and as you can imagine we are getting plenty of complaints. The libraries are from 2015, so it does not look like anyone at ANT is updating the libraries to make sure they can work on newer systems.

Please provide support to resolve this issue.      

Total Posts: 6

Joined 0


I was able to fix it by using proguard to eliminate logging
on android 10

-assumenosideeffects class com.dsi.ant.plugins.utility.log.LogAnt {

and i did this
LogAnt.setDebugLevel(LogAnt.DebugLevel.NONE, this)

which now works.
But 2015 last update for android is really really old. Make me wonder it BLE is taking over.


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-02-02


thank you so much, I will try this.

And indeed, having a library from 2015 and no customer support says a lot.      

Total Posts: 6

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One more note.
Once you add proguard and require logging to be removed via that method.
You can only debug your app in prod release mode
which really sucks.      

Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-02-02


yeah and the method seems to crash the app for me.

How is it possible that nobody from ANT even replies or provides support here? Is this for real? I have never seen anything like this, you can't email them and then the forum is not even monitored by their developers (seriously the library is from 2015, how is this even still a company).      

Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


There is an updated version of the Plugins SDK on Github. See this issue for details.


It has not shown any issues for me since I updated to it.


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-02-02


sorry for the dumb question but how do I use the .aar file?

I've tried renaming it, also decompressing it and creating a new jar using the included classes.jar and manifest, etc. - but no luck when building.

Thank you for your help      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2020-02-28


ifor - 31 December 2019 03:54 AM
There is an updated version of the Plugins SDK on Github. See this issue for details.

https://github.com/ant-wireless/ANT-Android-SDKs/issues/14 https://www.wowessays.com/write-my-college-essays/

It has not shown any issues for me since I updated to it.


Thanks. Useful. Guy below still didn't fix his problem?      

Total Posts: 49

Joined 2014-07-05


r0njawanda - 21 December 2019 03:01 PM
On latest samsung S10 SM-973U Android 10
MODE_WORLD_READABLE not supported leads to crash.
Anyone have any info on this?

12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): java.lang.SecurityException: MODE_WORLD_READABLE no longer supported
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at android.app.ContextImpl.checkMode(ContextImpl.java:2788)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:471)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at android.app.ContextImpl.getSharedPreferences(ContextImpl.java:461)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at c.c.a.g.c.a.a.a(LogAnt.java:62)
12-21 10:17:14.177 E/AndroidRuntime(22767): at c.c.a.g.a.c.a.bindAndRequest(AntPluginPcc.java:602)

Thank you for such a valuable information. I've been looking for a solution to this problem for a long time and I finally found one. Really appreciate your reply!      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-09-25


I had the same problem with "ANT+ Plugin Sampler" running with API Level 29, but it was solved by updating from antpluginlib_3-5-0.jar to antpluginlib_3-8-0.aar...
but need to comment Decode.checkIntegrity(fitFile) ....      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2020-06-23


thanks a lot      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2021-07-12


As declared on top of the files don't work on automaton 10, the system crashes and as you'll imagine we tend to have gotten lots of complaints. The libraries are from 2015, thus it doesn't seem like anyone at pismire is change the libraries to form positive they will work on newer systems.      


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