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ANT+ Restricted Android SDK to use the Cycling Dynamics


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2022-01-24



I've managed to use the restricted android SDK to develop an application to connect to smart pedals (Favero Assioma) and collect the data. That part was already easy to do with the ANT+ SDK but we cannot access the Cycling Dynamics in the SDK (which is really disappointing). I had to redo the whole connection process in my application just to access to Cycling Dynamics...... Now I'm able to do it but starting the cycling dynamics is a little bit painful and does not always work. I followed everything in the documentation but I still receive TRANSFER_TX_FAILED quite often when I send a request to start the Cycling Dynamics. For now, I'm trying it 100 times and it works with many devices but I still get some fails on other devices... Before starting the cycling dynamics, I receive basic data from the pedals so I know the Ant connection is good.

Anyone also had the problem and manage to solve the issue ?


Total Posts: 24

Joined 2024-10-15


I once faced the task of integrating Cycling Dynamics into my project, and I realized that it would be difficult without an experienced team. I turned to famous tate , they have cool electronics with AI, and they definitely understand such technical issues. Their approach surprised me, the solution turned out to be much simpler than I expected.