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Hello everyone,
I'm developing an app to connect to Pedal-based Bike Power Meters - specifically the Garmin RALLY RS200.
I have studied the ANT+ plugin sampler project and built my own app in accordance.
I subscribe to 5 events:
The first 3 behave as expected, and I receive valid data. But on PedalSmoothness and TorqueEffectiveness I never receive a call back.
Now after having read the ANT+ Device Profile for Bicycle Power, and having experimented in a C++ program before starting the Android Project, I know that some slope data has to be requested first using the Get/Set Page 0x02 and the subpage 0xFE – Advanced Capabilities 2. But from the Android API I know of no function to do this manually.
So my question is: Does the API enable sensors automatically to send "advanced" data when I subscribe to an event like this? If so, what else could be the problem for not receiving any data? Or, is there a function that I missed to send a get/set page to the sensor via the API to enable the Data-Pages of interest?
Many thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Christian Weber
Thank your for your response, could you explain what you exactly mean by "necessary steps"?
I subscribe to these events in the same way, I subscribed to Battery Status for example.
I also added a button to try and enable the advanced Data:
buttonEnable.setOnClickListener {
val test = byteArrayOf(0x02, 0xFE.toByte(), 0xFF.toByte(), 0xFF.toByte(), 0b10000101.toByte(), 0xFF.toByte(), 0b10000101.toByte(), 0xFF.toByte())
pwrPcc.requestCommandBurst(0, test, {requestStatus -> Log.d("UPDATE", "Request status: $requestStatus")})
Which is my guess, based on the ant+ bicycle power profile page 76, section 15.2.5 Subpage 0xFE – Advanced Capabilities 2. geometry dash lite
The above should enable the sensors to basically send all data possible. The message is sent successfully, but I do not receive the data of interest.
I am also not sure if that is the intended use of this function, but it's documentation is rather short, so it doesn't help me.
Any help is much appreciated!