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ant+ Alliance certification


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2024-01-03


May I ask if ant+ has an exclusive alliance certification, what are the relevant contents of the certification, what instruments or software are required?
what materials are required if we apply to join ANT+ alliance?
ant+ For European regulatory certification, does it only need to meet European requirements?      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2023-12-20


zct - 08 January 2024 02:32 AM
May I ask if ant+ has an exclusive alliance certification, what are the relevant contents of the certification, what instruments or software tunnel rush are required?
what materials are required if we apply to join ANT+ alliance?
ant+ For European regulatory certification, does it only need to meet European requirements?

ANT+ alliance certification is a process that ensures the interoperability and compliance of ANT+ products with the ANT+ standards and protocols. The certification process involves several relevant contents, such as: Technical specifications, Interoperability testing, Compliance with ANT+ protocols.

To apply to join the ANT+ alliance, the required materials may include Product documentation, Test reports, Compliance declarations.

The European regulatory certification may require CE marking, Declaration of Conformity, Notified Body involvement.      

Total Posts: 10

Joined 2024-08-11


The vivid sounds in Block Blast accompany the effects when breaking blocks, creating a sense of satisfaction and motivating players to want to achieve higher scores.      

Total Posts: 15

Joined 2024-08-28


Ensuring that devices do not cause electromagnetic Dinosaur Game interference and can operate in their intended electromagnetic environment.      

Total Posts: 23

Joined 2024-11-11


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