We are developing a Windows application that uses 2 ANT+ USB sticks as receivers and 16 bikes speed sensors (Bontrager).
For our initial development we used another computer with 2 ANT+ USB sticks. On this computer, we ran two instances of ANT Display Simulator v1.800 and configured each of the 8 channels in both apps to be bike speed sensors each with its own, unique Device ID. In our app on another computer (with 2 USB sticks) we paired the 16 simulated bikes speed sensors and everything works fine. We get some RX_FAILED messages, but that is expected.
When we pair with the actual Bontrager speed sensors instead of the simulated speed sensors, we get much different results. We do get some messages from the sensors, but mostly we get RX_FAILED events (expected) and *many* CHANNEL_COLLISION events.
So my understanding was that the ANT devices manage co-existence without me having to do anything. I'm not getting many (if any) collisions when I have simulated sensors. But I'm getting a lot of collisions when I use actual sensors. Am I dealing with a limitation on the Bontrager speed sensors? Or is it something in my code? Thanks.