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netduino + sparkfun nRF24AP1 module problems


Total Posts: 1

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I'm at my wit's end here, hoping someone has run into something similar, or can look at the dump and see something that looks glaringly wrong.

Here's a trace dump of what I'm seeing:

xmit [A4][01][4A][00][EF] // reset
xmit [A4][09][46][00][XX][XX][XX][XX][XX][XX][XX][XX][21] // set network key
-> SetNetworkKey timed out
xmit [A4][03][42][00][10][00][F5] assign channel
recv [A4][03][40][00][42][00][A5]
xmit [A4][05][51][00][01][00][7A][01][8B] set channel id
-> SetChannelId timed out
xmit [A4][02][45][00][39][E3] // set channel freq
-> SetChannelRFFreq timed out
xmit [A4][03][43][00][A6][1F][42] // set channel period
-> SetChannelPeriod timed out
xmit [A4][01][4B][00][EE] // open channel
recv [A4][03][40][00][4B][18][B4]

the final recv line's status code (0x18) is CHANNEL_ID_NOT_SET, which is what I'd expect given that SetChannelId (and most other commands) times out.

after the reset, I'm waiting 1000ms, and for every command I wait a maximum of 500ms for an ack. I figured there might be something wrong with the serial connection, but I'm getting one valid response (from AssignChannel), as well as the error response for OpenChannel.

I can also post code if that would help.      

Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



It looks as though the checksum byte is being calculated wrong on the commands that are failing. The checksum byte should be the XOR of all previous bytes including the SYNC byte.

