According to datasheat, the transmission power can reach
4 dbm, but ANTwareII and ANT sensRcore application only shows
so should i change it manualy or there is something else to do
Please note that only some modules and chips support a 4 dBm transmission power. ANTware II does not currently automatically support setting the transmission power to 4 dBm, however you can configure the transmission power manually using the 'Manual' tab on the far left side. Simply manually type the bytes of the message that you wish to send (found in ANT Message Protocol and Usage), and you can set the transmission power yourself.
thanks for the reply,
the problem that i tried to use 0dbm power, and i expect to give
me a distance at least 20 meter. But what i actually found, that it was less than 10 meter.
so is that normal, or it should be more
I can't really answer that question because the distance between ANT nodes is completely dependent on your design, and other factors including RF environment, antenna orientation etc. You will have to test yourself in order to find the distance to transmit power correlation for your specific case.