thanks for the helpful replies
I am now testing an arduino with the nrf24ap2 chip from aliexpress by connecting the tx, rc, ground and rtc pins to 3 digital pins on the arduino and of course the ground
for the software I use a modified version of the uploaded code on this site
to implement the cts/rtc functionality I changed the txMessage function to
digitalWrite(rtspin, LOW); // sets the LED off
for(i=0; i<txBufferSize; i++)
Serial.print(txBuffer[i], HEX);
Serial.print(' ');
//50 microseconds high cts
digitalWrite(rtspin, HIGH); // sets the LED off
digitalWrite(rtspin, LOW); // sets the LED off
The whole project can be seen here [file size=3978][/file]
but I still cannot get any signal on my phone