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Scan channel acquire


Total Posts: 40

Joined 2009-03-20


I have a need for low-latency acquisition of an Ant channel.

If I use the full scanning channel mode, then my maximum latency is the channel period (barring interference.) I have prototyped with this and it works OK, because the scan channel can send messages back. (This is also useful for, say, mass programming of hundreds of Garmin Chirp devices. But I digress.)

But what I'd really like to do is run the scanning channel until the master is acquired, and then drop back to tracking mode. This would give low latency acquisition without the energy expenditure of running scanning channel for the duration of the communication.

Is there any way to do this? I think I've read the relevant application notes and haven't found it.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


What you describe is precisely the Search Scan feature, that will be available in the upcoming USBm stick.      

Total Posts: 40

Joined 2009-03-20


Please consider adding this feature to future ANT chips and modules. The power savings (over full scan channel) is less useful with USB.