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ANT+ Application


Total Posts: 2

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Hi all!

I want to use ANT technology in sports (particular cycling). Look like:

Speed/cadence sensor (ANT) ---> ANT USB stick ---> PC (Computer): Measure speed of bike
Steering sensor ---> ANT USB stick ---> PC (Computer): Measure the rotation angle of the front wheel bike
And I will write one application (On Windows or MAC)to receive data from the sensor.

I can find speed/candence sensor in your products. But with steering sensor, I don't know how.
I intend to use potentiometer (analog signal) + the ANT I/O module. Can I do it? If possible, what types of the ANT i/o module?

Please help me!

Thank in advance.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


To get started with embedded development with ANT, and get an idea of what kind of pieces you need for your development, you can have a look at the following post


Essentially, you will be needing a microcontroller, an ANT module (such as AP2 or C7 modules), and any other external components for your sensing portion. Once you select a microcontroller, you may be able to find reference designs for the analog portion of your design on the website of the microcontroller vendor.

To interface with the existing ANT+ sensors, you may want to have a look at the device profiles. The following post should be a good starting point

Total Posts: 2

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Thank alejandra!

* First:
- Model: "Speed/cadence sensor (ANT) ---> ANT USB stick ---> PC (Computer): Measure speed of bike" -> Can I use this model?
- I write one application (On Windows or MAC)to receive data from the sensor -> What library should be used in the project?
* Second:
- Model: "Steering sensor ---> ANT USB stick ---> PC (Computer): Measure the rotation angle of the front wheel bike" -> Can I use this model?
- As you say: Steering sensor = "sensor + ANT module + microcontroller" -> I really do not understand. What microcontroller should be used? Can you tell me more about it? If possible, you can tell me about hardware and software to do this.
* Third:
- If I transmitted simultaneously 2 data stream to USB stick,Can it conflict?

Thank you very much!      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Yes, you can create an application that decodes data from the bike speed and cadence sensor on the PC. Please do have a look at the posts I referred to earlier, as it will guide you through the development resources that you should have a closer look at to get started and gain an understanding of ANT and the available development resources (including the libraries).

The choice of micro controller depends on your particular application needs, so we cannot really recommend one. The embedded reference designs on the ANT+ Adopter Zone are for the MSP430 as it is well suited for low power applications, but you will need to consider your own application needs to make a choice.

Good luck!      

Total Posts: 2

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I'm sory my posts, because image size >850pixel

Sory, Can I post my model throught picture?

"Because very little of my time for this, so I can not read and understand all documents about the ANT network. I need a quick solution. If technical response, I'll go research. Sorry for the inconvenience!

About my question,

+ Speed sensor Model -> OK
+ Angle sensor (analog signal input): I intend to connect the following:

Potentiometer(analog signal input) --> AT3 module(master) (not need extend MCU)---> USB stick (bridge between PC and ANT network)

In AT3 Module is set SensRcore mode.
But, I don't understand:
1. Please you confirm if my model is correct.
2. USB stick does not supported SensRcore platform. What the other module will repalce it? (USB interface board and AT3 (slave) mounted it?)
3. Must SensRware use to load programs and configuration parameters to the AT3 module (Master, slave)?
4. Battery: I know the battery board is not sold separately (I'm not sure, because I'm see it in Accessory board part, but I can not find where to sell it). If I do not use the battery board, other way to supply power for AT3 module (as pin,...)
" [img size=800]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/images/Model.jpg[/img]      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


1. That model should work.
2. You would need to write a PC application that is able to decode SensRcore data receiver from the ANT USB stick. No need to have SensRcore itself on the USB stick.
3. No, you use ANTware for loading the scripts. SensRware can be used to aid with writing the scripts, although with a good understanding of ANT and the ANT Message Protocol and Usage and SensRcore documents, you should be able to just write them on a text editor.
4. Please refer to the datasheet of the AT3 module for its pinout and voltage requirements.      

Total Posts: 2

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Hi alejandra,

How do I load a SensRcore script to ANT module?
Can I use USB stick or USB interface boards in ANT Development Kit to do that? smile



Total Posts: 2

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Hi alejandra,

Can i use USB stick board to load a SensRcore script to AT3 module?



Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


The development kit manual and the SensRcore application note should be a good starting point for what you want
