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Not able to communicate from one device to another


Total Posts: 6

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I am using 2 ANT3 modules and a battery board one setup as master and other as slave. I am attaching the scripts for master and slave.
My test setup is follows:
2 ANT3 modules.
Master - I am able to control the level of signal on IO pins 0,1,2,3 between 0-3 Volts
Slave has LED's attached to the battery board IO pins IO4,IO5,IO6,IO7

I expect the LED's on the slave module to turn ON when I change the signal level on IO0,1,2 or 3 of the master.
I am NOT able to see the LED's or signal level change on pins IO4,5,6 or 7 of slave.

Also, I know the master is sending the message - as I can verify this by running ANTware on the PC with USB stick with another AT3 module and see the data on the data panel changing as I change the level of IO pins on the master module.

Am I missing something in the setup or the script?
Thank you.      

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Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


In order to show something on the LEDs on the slave, you would need to use crossover mode, since the analog inputs are on pins 0-3, while the LEDs are on pins 4-7.      

Total Posts: 6

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Thank you for the response.
Two questions on this:
1. Is there a way to add the crossover functionality on the SensRware application or we have to edit the script after it has been generated?

2. Does the crossover capability need to be in both Master and slave, slave only or master only?


Total Posts: 6

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Also, I followed the LED example at 3.4 in User Manual Reference Design, ANTDKT3, ANTDKT3UP1, ANTAP2DK1.
I compiled the referred project - Demo5.c - generates ANT Ref Design Demo5.txt file. However, when I try to download this into another AT3 module plugged into USB module, I get the following:
Mon Dec 10, 2012 13:51:59: Fatal error: Failed to initialize device. Session aborted!
Mon Dec 10, 2012 13:51:59: Failed to load flash loader: C:\MSP430\ANT TI EZ430 USB Reference Design\Release\Exe\ANT Ref Design Demo 5.txt

Attached is the generated demo5.txt

Thank you


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Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


You can add crossover mode in SensRware,but since you already have a working script, it may be easier to change the script manually. In general, editing scripts manually provides more flexibility. You can find more details about the crossover mode in the ANT SensRcore Messaging and Usage document, in Section 4.1.1. The example there might be helpful. You only need to configure this mode on the device whose LEDs you are looking to control.

The reference designs are not intended to be used with SensRcore; they are intended to load on an MSP430 device. Please refer to the ANT Reference Design User Manual for usage details.

You can find both these documents on the downloads area of the website

Total Posts: 6

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I am totally confused. I am looking at the LED example given in
User Manual
Reference Design

These examples are for sensorCore standalone devices. In the LED example, to configure SLAVE node, it says use the ANT Ref Design Demo 5 application .

Step 2: Configure the SLAVE device. Attach another ANT module to the eZ430 development board and
plug into the PC. Build the ANT Ref Design Demo 5 application and load onto the development board.

Now I have a compiled example using the IAR project provided in the reference design. This generates demo5.txt file.

Question - How do I download this to the device? Is there another piece of software that I need to download this into the device?

I am attaching the two scripts that I have created with sensRware.exe - one for slave and one for master. Can you please review these and let me know what is wrong with these?

Or do you have two simple scripts for AT3 modules one master and one slave that work. That way I can see where I am going wrong.


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Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


The reference designs you refer to are intended to be loaded on an EZ430 development kit from TI, interfacing with an ANT module. Section 3.1.2 and Appendix A describe the hardware setup required in general for all the reference designs. One of the example uses a node in SensRcore mode, however, the other node is a TI eZ430-F2013 + ANT module; you can find the hardware requirements in the beginning of the section.

Looking at your scripts, the channel parameters do not match (the device number in the master is 49, while the device number in the slave is 50). You will only be able to establish communication if all your channel parameters match.      

Total Posts: 6

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Thank you for your help.

Another question - Is it possible to add some application code to the AT3 MSP430 processor? If yes, are there any guide lines to do that.

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


No, it is not possible. You will need to use your own MCU if you need custom application code.
Please refer to the Embedded section on the Getting Started page for more details