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Viewing Heart Rate on Mac


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2012-12-25


Hello, all

First time poster here. My wife just got me an ANT+ USB stick because I am planning to incorporate some of the HRM data into an existing app I've been developing.

I've been googling for a couple of hours trying to find the quickest way to do a sanity check and see if everything is working and confirm I can use it to receive data from my Garmin HRM strap.

I am currently on a mac but also own a PC. What would be the quickest way to get set up.


Total Posts: 296

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CptBongue - 25 December 2012 07:36 PM
Hello, all

First time poster here. My wife just got me an ANT+ USB stick because I am planning to incorporate some of the HRM data into an existing app I've been developing.

I've been googling for a couple of hours trying to find the quickest way to do a sanity check and see if everything is working and confirm I can use it to receive data from my Garmin HRM strap.

I am currently on a mac but also own a PC. What would be the quickest way to get set up.


Put aside your Mac, it won't be helpful.
Install ANT+ Display Simulator application - available on the "Downloads" section of this site, when you're a registered ANT adoptor.


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi CaptBongue,

Great Christmas present grin

OMB is right that the Display simulator is the best way to check you are receiving heart rate data as you should be.

If you are new to developing with ANT then you will probably find the information here helpful: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/ant/starting-your-project/ look particularly at the info on creating a software application as it's generally applicable, and at the mobile app development section.

If you have tips for improvement, then please let us know - we're working on making it as easy to develop with ANT as we can!

Also, as heart rate follows an ANT+ device profile, you will probably find it helpful to download that too (you'll need to be singed in as an adopter) so you can see what messages a Heart rate strap sends - there's more detail than just heart beats.