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DIP switchs configuration on ANT battery boards’ dev kits


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-02-11



I am currently working with two dev kits ANTC7EK1 (TI) and ANTAP2DK1 (Nordic) which both provide battery boards.
There are 5 DIP switchs on the battery board that control either the molex interface or the serial interface. But I cannot find any proper explanation of the purpose of each switch (schemes on the board are very limited), neither configuration examples for specific applications (communication with a MSP via serial interface for instance).

- Do you know the purpose of each switch (values and corresponding states)?
- Have you got datasheets for the battery board?

Thank you,


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


The purpose of each of the pins on the DIP switch in the battery board is described in the silk screen in the battery board itself, which indicates which pins on of the ANT module they are connected to. (e.g. PORTSEL, SFLOW). For more details on how to configure serial mode (synchronous vs asynchronous), refer to the datasheet of the ANT modules you are using. The silk screen does contain an example configuration for asynchronous serial communication at 57600bps.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-02-11


The silk screen in the battery board does contain some information about the DIP switch configuration, but it is still poorly documented, even in the modules' datasheets.
For example, DIP switch n°1 allows to select IO mode, but which state correspond to which mode ?

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Please do refer to the module datasheets to figure out the correct state that the serial lines the DIP switch provides access to need to be tied to for the different modes. The DIP switch does nothing special but provide a convenient way to configure the relevant pins of the modules to VCC/GND.

For example, take DIP 2, PORTSEL. The AP2 module datasheet. in Section 1.2 will tell you what PORTSEL is, and that you need to tie it to GND for Async mode and VCC for Sync mode. Furthermore, the schematics in section 1.3 of the module datasheet will tell you what the connections in the module need to be for the different serial modes.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Also, for the specific case of IOSEL (DIP 1), this line is used in the AT3 to select between SensRcore/Serial mode. As this pin corresponds to RTS/SEN in the AP2/C7, tie it to VCC.