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ANT+ BT bridge


Total Posts: 15

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One of the things I worked on recently on my blog was building a basic bridge for BT2.0 to ANT+. It's quite simple, however, with all the requests about this little device I received one of the big things that has me stuck is getting apps to support the implementation.

I noticed Selfloops was recently announced by the ANT+ Alliance so I'm wondering if this means that they have updated the api to support it natively. Is this correct or are they working on their own api that spoofs the ANT+ native support - or will they have to get apps to support it themselves?

Here's a link to the video showing my android 2.3 pretending to be a sensor being received by my laptop using an an ANT+ USB stick



Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Hi Keith,

The Selfloops device natively supports all existing ANT apps which use the ANT+ Alliance's API. All Android applications running ANT use an Android specific API which interfaces through the ANT Radio Service, and the ANT Radio Service decides how to handle those requests. There's an API which hasn't been released which acts as a "chip" interface to the ANT Radio Service, so that any device can report itself to the ANT Radio Service as an ANT device. This is what the "ANT USB Service" and what the "Selfloops ANT Service" do, so the apps don't have to worry about what the hardware underneath might be.

If you'd like I can look into at least sending you the interface if you'd like to get it up and running yourself.


Total Posts: 15

Joined 0


Hi Harrison,

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't realize that Selfloops would have a separate service app. This does certainly help clarify a lot.

That would be great if you could provide me with the interface. I'd love to be able to open up some access to ANT+... even if I have to segway through BT. My main email is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
