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Android Emulator Bridge for Linux?


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-01-14


Currently the ANT Android Emulator Bridge is only available for Windows. I prefer to do my development on Linux, so this is really holding me back... I am able to debug directly on my Galaxy TAB over WiFi, but it's kind of a hassle to setup. I'd rather use an Android Virtual Device and just plug the nRF USB dongle directly into my PC, but this would require me to use Windows for the aforementioned reason.

Is there any plan to release a similar tool for Linux development, or can I achieve a similar setup using existing tools? Or if there is source code available for the bridge, maybe I could write a port?      

Total Posts: 129

Joined 2010-11-30


If you have a networked Windows PC you can still do your development/run the AVD on your Linux machine. Simply install the Android Emulator Bridge on the Windows machine and connect your ANT USB stick to it, then in the Emulator Config app on the AVD set it to use the IP address of your Windows machine.