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Set USBstick to Pairing Mode?


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2013-03-29


Hey we have bike that we need to talk to from ANT+FE USB stick. Im trying to use antware to see if we can even establish communication. Bike will then broadcast sensor data back to us. Im new to ANT think so probably my confusion is due to lack of info, but i got really frustrated. Maybe some one can help me out?

How do i set USB stick to paring mode?
Then i think i need to send back acknowledgment to establish connection?

Please help!

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07



Could you please clarify what specific ANT USB module you are using? If there is no model name/ number, a picture would be really helpful.

Also, the term "Bike Sensor" is pretty generic, ANT+ has device profiles for Bike Power, Bike Cadence, Bike Speed, and Bike Speed and Cadence. Knowing the exact device profile you are using is necessary when attempting to establish an ANT+ channel.

And are you using a commercial bike sensor (what brand? model?) or are you creating your own?

Since you are new to ANT, I would recommend reading through the ANT Basics section, which can be found at:




Total Posts: 5

Joined 2013-03-29


hello, tnx for reply.
I have USB2 Wireless USB Stick
and other part us Concept 2 - PM4 console that we are trying to talk to.
They are using proprietary protocol though

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


The Concept2 - PM4 console does not support any of the ANT+ bike sensor profiles, it only implements the ANT+ HRM device profile as a receiver device.

We are not aware if they implemented any other ANT+ device profiles on that module, or if they are transmitting any other information through ANT.

My advice would be to contact Concept 2 directly if you wish to make an application for their PM4 console. The PM4 console is in the ANT+ managed network because of its implementation of the ANT+ HRM profile as a receiver device.      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2013-03-29


hey, so after some research we found that PM4 uses ANT-FS to communicate. We used ANT-FS client to try to initiate communication to console but nothing happened. So we probably doing something wrong. So we got Wahoo Key that is able to communicate to PM4 console just fine. Which brings me to the question: how can we use antware to snip into packets transmitted between devices, and also how can we extract settings? ext frequency configuration and everything esle? I hope it is possible.?

Thank you!

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07



We do not endorse reverse engineering of client companies and their proprietary protocol.

If Concept2 is using ANT-FS in its PM4 console then they might be using the Fitness Equipment profile. To set up a channel and ANT-FS communication with an ANT+ Fitness Equipment console, refer to the Fitness Equipment Profile document found in the Download Documents Tab:


If you are still unable to establish communication with the console then I would recommend contacting Concept2 directly.

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2013-03-29


tnx will try to see what i can find in fitness equipment documentation. hopefully that would work out. thank you