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Burst data repeated in broadcast data


Total Posts: 21

Joined 2011-11-08


It seems as the last burst packet is retransmitted as a broadcast packet until new broadcast data is written. Is this correct? What is the correct way to avoid this, immediately send broadcast data after a burst is complete, rather than waiting for waiting for an ANT_TX message. Or is there no way to garantee the data won't be retransmitted and I should redesign my protocol so that it doesn't matter.


Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Yes this is true, the last burst packet will be retransmitted as a broadcast packet until new broadcast data is written. The correct way to avoid this is to immediately send broadcast data from the host after receiving the EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_COMPLETED message from the ANT master.

Refer to section Burst Data (0x50), in the ANT Message Protocol and Usage Doc for more details on the Burst Transfer sequence.
