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Duotrap VDO compatibility


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-05-10


I have a duotrap speed/cadence sensor and VDO Z2 computer. Both are ANT + compatible, but I cannot get them to pair. Is there a trick to use?


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi John Thomas,

I just looked these up on the ANT+ Product Directory (http://www.thisisant.com/directory/) and it looks like the VDO Z2 supports separate bike speed sensors and cadence sensors only, and the bontrager duotrap digital speed/cadence sensor only transmits combined speed and cadence. You can see this by the icons associated with each product in the directory (SPD or Cad vs S&C).

We strongly recommend displays to support both kinds of speed and cadence sensors but it isn't always the case.

If you also use a sports watch and or phone while you ride you may be able to pair the speed and cadence sensor to those.
