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Reading Cadence Speed


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-03-29


Hello Developers,

I'm a newbie to ANT++ programming and i admit that i do not own any Garmin device at this moment or ANT+ device. I'm currently investing my time in a personal project and i'm looking at a proof of concept. I would like to ask you to see if my goals are possible with ANT+. What i want to know is:

1. Is it possible to calculate cadence speed on a stationary bike with ANT+ and steam that speed in real time to a software application for processing.
2. If that is possible, what is the best device and best way to go about that ?

Ultimately what i need is to be able to read speed from a person cycling and to be able to use that speed for processing on the program.


Total Posts: 296

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Phi - 25 May 2013 01:40 AM
Hello Developers,

I'm a newbie to ANT++ programming and i admit that i do not own any Garmin device at this moment or ANT+ device. I'm currently investing my time in a personal project and i'm looking at a proof of concept. I would like to ask you to see if my goals are possible with ANT+. What i want to know is:

1. Is it possible to calculate cadence speed on a stationary bike with ANT+ and steam that speed in real time to a software application for processing.
2. If that is possible, what is the best device and best way to go about that ?

Ultimately what i need is to be able to read speed from a person cycling and to be able to use that speed for processing on the program.


Re 1: yes.
Re 2: a speed/cadence sensor, e.g. Garmin GSC10 and of course a display device to pick up the info, e.g. a PC + ANT USB stick or an Android Phone with either onboard ANT support (mostly Sony) or Android 4.x, an USB OTG adapter and an ANT USB stick.

For a start: you should register as an ANT adopter on thisisant.com and should familiarize yourself with the documentation and software downloads (SDKs, simulator software) in http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/ which should answer 9x% of your questions. Should there be any open questions, searching the forum should answer most of these - there are several similar posts to yours with answering posts. The negligible remainder of your open questions will for sure be answered here.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-03-29



Thank you very much for this reply. I actually never realized that the ANT adopter was open to normal users. I've joined into it and i'm looking forward to working on the information and tools provided there. One more question i have and i assure its the last. I'm planning on writing my project in Java. Is this possible to integrate or wrap with ANT+ or do i need to do in C ?


Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


As far as I know, the Windows APIs are available for C++ and CLR languages (C#, VB, ...), but not for Java.
the Android API is of course available in Java.      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-03-29


That's disappoint that the API is not available in Java. My Project is restricted to use Java. To change to C/C++ etc.. would cause massive design changes and delays. Anyways, OMB, thank you very much for your help.
