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Getting too many error messages when PC is overloaded


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2009-04-29


Dear All.

We are using broadcast to communicate with one of our devices. The communication here is very intensive because we are sending confirmation pages for data that are received. We had to do that to ensure all data have been received. It was not able to use the ANT-FS in this device.

Now the issue is that every thing works fine until the PC is on high load. When it is on high load or on a very slow computer, a lot of error messages are received that the PC is not giving out any answers. The time out will come on the device and the communication is disturbed.

Device and PC are working on 32 Hz. Again in normal cases it is working just fine and the data transfer can take even more than 1 hour with no Problems.

Can any body help.


Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


Well, Windows is not a real time operating system which could guarantee processing and response times.
So your observation should be considered "normal behaviour".
Did you try to raise the process and/or thread priorities to ensure that your application is served best?

Note: the ANT DLLs create threads as well, in order to handle communication with the ANT USB stick. So you might have to tweak that code which is provided as source code as well.


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2009-04-29


Thanks for the reply. We have put our threads on highs priority but it did not help. I think we should investigate your suggestion to check on the ANT DDLs.

Thanks again.