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interpreting ANTware2 broadcast message


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-05-30


I am interfacing ultrasonic range finder's analog output to the ANT11ts33m51b SensRcore board. The issue is i am unable to interpret the message received on ANTware2 GUI

i was reading the SensRcore Messaging and Usage document and came across ANT SensRcore Global Data Types in that i referred to analog data which shows interpretation for global byte3 to byte7

But i am not sure if it is the correct thing i am referring


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Yes, since you are using SensRcore to transmit analog data, the SensRcore Messaging and Usage document is the right place you should be looking at to decode it.      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-05-30


hi alejandra,
I am unclear about byte0 - byte2 for global data types as they are not mentioned in the document.

my set up is such that master sensRcore board is connected to the analog sensor and it transmits to the slave which is connected to the USB stick.

My doubt:
1) the master converts the analog data using V = ADC_val/Max_16bit*Vref , what is Max_16bit ..if I am using 10 bit ADC do i still have to use Max_16bit = 0xFFFF