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Using onboard MSP for ANT11TS33M51B


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-06-09


I got to know that there is a TI microcontroller on AT3 transciever module.But i came to know through the ant forum itself that i is not possible to custom program it completely.I am an undergraduate student doing a project in which i have to take inputs from different sensors and apply some logic implementations like anding, oring etc.

Is it possible to do atleast this by programming the TI microcontroller(the internal one). I have tried out the SensRware mode in it.
Can somebody help me out at the earliest.
Thanks in advance.


Total Posts: 14

Joined 2012-11-16


SensRcore is the only access you have to the MSP430. The access is through an NVM script upload not a reprogram of the device. The code in the MSP is locked.