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Max number of burst packets


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2012-12-05



I'm trying to transfer a big chunk of data from an embedded device to a USB dongle connected to a PC via ANT. The baud rate in the serial interface between the MCU and the ANT module in the embedded device is setup to be 19200. With this configuration I'm able to receive only a maximum of 247 data packets in burst mode. Is there any maximum limit to the number of data packets that can be transmitted in burst mode, for each serial interface baud rate ?


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


You should be able to sustain a burst @19200, although your throughput will be lower than 20kbps. However, since this is at the low end of acceptable baud rates to use for bursting, you also need to make sure that your firmware is providing data quickly enough to avoid starving the burst. Some strategies to alleviate the effect of a slow serial port, like making use of the transmit queue, are described in AN04 Burst Transfers.