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UART interface between host MCU and ANT chip


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2010-01-05


Hello All,

I am using STM8S208MB micro controller in my project having two UART interfaces as follows:
--UART with clock output for synchronous operation - LIN master mode
--UART with LIN 2.1 compliant, master/slave modes and automatic resynchronization
The STM8 UARTs don't have the flow control bits.
I would like to know how I will interface this MCU with ANT device.
With reference to the document named â??Interfacing with ANT General Purpose Chip-sets and Modules
D00000794 Rev2.0�, RX, TX and CTS lines are required of the host MCU.
How should I proceed further?      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


The flow control can be implemented with software if there is no hardware support.

The document "Interfacing with ANT General Purpose Chip-sets and Modules" gives the detail instruction about the flow control mechanism of the serial port.

In addation, "bit synchronous" should be used if there is no hardware support for either synchronous or asynchronous serial communication on the host MCU and the entire interface must be implemented in software using GPIOs.