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Configuring SensRcore to broadcast common data pages


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2010-01-11


Yesterday while playing with various options using the ANTAP2DK1 dev kit and building some basic SensRcore scripts kit, I managed to configure a setup where the three ANT+ Common Data Pages (0x50-0x52) were being broadcast from the AT3 and received by the AP2. I can't find any place in the documentation making this possible and can not recreate it now.

Does anyone have an idea what I was seeing and if this should have been possible?      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2010-01-11


Whlie experiementing with SensRcore scripting using the ANTAP2DK1 kit, I somehow managed to configure an AT3 to broadcast the three ANT+ common data pages (0x50 to 0x52) sequentially. I can not determine how it happened nor can I recreate the behavior.

First of all, should this be possible? If so, how can I achieve this again using SensRcore?      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


It is not possible to sequentially send multiple ANT+ data pages in a single ANT channel using SensRcore. One possibility is that you were receiving broadcast data from an ANT+ device or the simulator.