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minimum RSSI -40dBm


Total Posts: 6

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I am running my slave node in continous scanning mode with extended messages. I can read RSSI but the value for never goes below 0xC0. It just stop receiving if the I further increases the distance. It means that the receiver cannot receive if the signal strength is below -40dbm.Is that right?

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



Only CC257x or nRF51422 based USB devices at this time support high resolution RSSI. If you are using an AP2 or USBm, that value is somewhat representative of "search bins", but does not represent true RSSI.

The receiver can receive signals below -40dBm in strength.      

Total Posts: 6

Joined 0


Hi Harrison,
Thanx for replying.

I am using CC2571 for getting RSSI. The transmitter node is AP2 based. Do you think I should use CC2571 as transmitter too?


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Do you have any additional devices to test this with?

Unfortunately wireless sensitivity can vary even between similar devices due to component variation, environmental factors, antenna design, directionality, etc, so -40dBm may be the physical limit of your current setup, but anecdotally I have certainly seen C7 modules receive signals below -40dBm.

Using a CC2571 instead of an AP2 as the transmitter can get you additional distance as the CC2571 has up to +4dBm output power compared to the AP2.