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ANT protocol wireshark example


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-05-10


Can anyone make an example of Ant protocol pcap file? So I understand Ant protocol better (my english isnt best and manuals are really long even tho I read 1-2 files already). There is no public information on Ant like for example on IP/TCP (I know that ip/tcp protocol is far more popular and I am not comparing or anything just information is more accessible).

I am doing a school project and I've been given Ant protocol (my goal is to generate packet that is visible in wireshark) I am stuck already 4 days because google gives only results that are not important.

thanks in advance      

Total Posts: 296

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To my best knowledge, Wireshark captures traffic to and from your network adapter (Ethernet, wireless LAN, ...).
ANT+ however uses different devices.
Ok, I see that there seems to be an (outdated??) ANT plugin for Wireshark @ https://github.com/cowboy-coders/wireshark-ant .

However, if your goal is to UNDERSTAND der ANT+ protocol, there's plenty of documentation on http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/ .
If your goal is to trace packet traffic, you can use the software provided in http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/ , which allows you to trace the ANT traffic at the transport layer.


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2013-04-07


If you want to see e.g heart rate ANT+ data, you can i.e use the ANT+ Simulator http://www.thisisant.com/resources/simulant-1/ . On the windows platform you can view traffic from a root hub {n} that has ANT stick attached with USBPcap utility http://desowin.org/usbpcap/index.html and in a command shell with administrator privelege

USBPcapCMD.exe -d \\.\USBPcap{n] -o - | "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i

to capture live traffic (ANT packets will be in the "Leftover Capture Data"). An HRM ANT+ sensor follows a certain protocol format, but the underlyding ANT protocol configures the channel (channel period, open channel etc.) and set the broadcast to send.