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Ant+ Spy


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-05-20


I've just bought an Ant+ system :i-genius from tacx.
On the box I've seen the Ant+ logo.
I would like to know if there is a way to spy the data exchanged between the trainer and the software.
In first step I need to spy them to show them on another system.
In second step I need to drive the trainer directly with the other system.
I've contact Tacx support but they have no information about that.
Thanks you


Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


To my best knowledge the TACX trainers don't follow any public ANT+ profile (except for receiving heart rate from an ANT+ hr belt and power from an ANT+ power meter). Transfer of control messages and measurement data follows a private protocol on top of ANT transport.

If Tacx say they can't (won't) tell you details of that protocol, there's no legal way to "spy" these communications.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-05-20


Ok I was waiting this kind of answer .
The support Tacx only tell me that they don't know how to do this.
Actually I don't have a look about the ANT+ protocol and profile system.
Maybe it is not as protected as you tougth ???
Thanks you

Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi sdecorme,

OMB's answer is correct. You cannot legally spy on the Tacx *trainer* data and/or control the trainer - as this is not ANT+. (It's just ANT, i.e. proprietary)

The ANT+ logo you see on the box will refer to other ANT+ device profiles: e.g. Heart rate, Speed, Cadence.

You can check which device profiles the trainer that you have supports here: http://www.thisisant.com/directory/filter/173/~/~/

You can decode the ANT+ data for these device profiles easily, as you can access the ANT+ Device Profiles on the downloads page.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-05-20


Hi Kat,
Thanks you for this answer.
What do you mean it is not ANT+ just ANT.
It use the same stack but not the same protocol ?