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Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-06-21


I've recently bought the N5 starter kit.

Now, I need to develop an app to check uart of the SoC but I can't find any info about the pinout of usb adapter used to connect N548M5xx to the computer.

I read the document "D00001598_N5_ANT_SoC_Module_Series_Datasheet_Rev1.2.pdf" and I found the Pin Assignment of Ant network processor configuration, but it's not sufficent.

I need how is connected cp2102 of the usb device to the molex connector and uart configuration of the chip (flow control, speed etc etc).

Thank you in advance for your help.      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-06-21


I managed to figure out and I want to share with you how I did.

Frist, I loaded the Ant Network Processor Code, started AntwareII and I saw that the app recognized the device as an USB device but with speed 57600 bit/s .

After few tests using a serial monitor, I discovered that the USB2UART on the usb device is configured as follows:

-> speed 57600
-> parity none
-> flow control none
-> data bits 8
-> stop bits 1

I had several issue to get a serial monitor of the device on Windows, the default drivers you give is for using it as USBXpress device.
I managed to get as a common USB2UART device, I accomplished to that in this way:

-> I downloaded official driver from manufacturer of the USB2UART IC soldered on ANTUIF (it's a SILAB CP210x)

-> I couldn't install as usual because you coded on it a different vendor id (VID) and product id (PID), so I had to modify the inf file (slabvcp.inf) supplied in the driver package.

-> First, I needed the VID and PID , I grabbed them from ANT device details in the Device Manager ( I already had USBXPress Ant driver installed ). VID is 0FCF and PID 1006 .

-> In slabvcp.inf I added the following lines under the Device Section , after Manufacturer declaration under [SiLabs] and [SiLabs.NTamd64].

"ANTUIF V3 USB2UART COM Driver"=silabser.Dev, USB\DEV_0FCF&PID;_1006

-> The last step was update USBXpress Ant driver, forcing to use the driver I just modified. I did that using the default procedure of Windows.

After that I had a virtual com (COM5), the driver is still compatibile with ANTware II. Before the operation, the application automatically discovered Ant Network Processors plugged by USB , after that I have to manually insert them setting the right COM port.

The last thing, for me putty and other softwares that I usually use for serial interaction didn't work.
I found this beautifull one that I suggest to you, https://sites.google.com/site/terminalbpp/ .

Anyway, I ask you if it is possibile to have the schematics of ANTUIF, also to be able to use the 10 pins on it.

Thanks for your support.


Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi Emiliano,

Looks like a pretty resourceful solution smile!

You can find the pinout for the 10 pins on the USB Interface Board in Table 1-3 of the N5 Starter Kit User Manual (http://www.thisisant.com/resources/n5-starter-kit-user-manual/)      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-06-21


Thank you.

I'm in error with the pin header, the pin out of usb header are in the documentation as you just said.

Is it ok that I can't use jegger programmer when the device is on the usb module?

For the schematic of the usb module nothing to do?

Thank you in advance for your support.


Total Posts: 17

Joined 2015-10-28


usamak - 23 June 2014 10:51 AM
Hi Emiliano,

Looks like a pretty resourceful solution smile!

You can find the pinout for the 10 pins on the USB Interface Board in Table 1-3 of the N5 Starter Kit User Manual (http://www.thisisant.com/resources/n5-starter-kit-user-manual/)

I hate to poke at an old thread, but it would be very useful to have a schematic or at least pin assignments for the USB Interface Board. The header pins are documented as pointed out, but the connection between the CP2102 and the N5 module is not (at least I haven't found it).

I want to use the USB Interface Board as a test vehicle for my N5 platform (wired in through the 10 pin header), but, to program the N5 module on the UIF, I need the connections to the CP2102.
