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more information about ‘timestamps’


Total Posts: 6

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"Rx Timestamp
The Rx Timestamp is a 2 byte field (16-bit value) that rolls over every 2 seconds. This value is in little endian format. The timestamp is based on a 32 kHz clock." quoted from "ANT Message Protocol and Usage"

Is there any more information about timestamps? How can we translate this information? Does it help in calculation time between two received messages? I would also like to know the unit of time i.e milli second, micro ??      

Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31



32kHz clock => 32768 ticks per second.

This is consistent with:

2 byte field that rolls over every 2s => rollover value = 65536 which is 2 x 32768.

The unit of time is therefore 1/32768 seconds per tick.

You can therefore compare timestamp fields to find out the time between received messages.

Hope that helps!
