Dear OMB,
I have opened up USB device like this:
usb = new ANT_Device();
catch (Exception){
MessageBox.Show("Error initialising ANT module.");
return false;
if (usb.enableRxExtendedMessages(true, 50)) //extended messages are enabled
usbCapabilities = usb.getDeviceCapabilities(20);
if (usbCapabilities.ExtendedMessaging)
MessageBox.Show("Extended Messaging is enabled", "ANT Debug", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
however when I try to access the extended messages it gives me the following message:
ANT_Managed_Library: Response is not an extended message.
I am accessing the capabilities and then the extended messages in the ANT_Channel event function as:
if (usbCapabilities.ExtendedMessaging)
currChannelID = ANTresponse.getDeviceIDfromExt();
}catch(ANT_Exception e){
MessageBox.Show(e.Message.ToString(), "ANT Error",
then latter from the currChannelID when I try to access the device type it returns me zero.I am expecting it 25 in the case of temperature sensor. Any suggestions please.