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Technical benefits to an ANT+ Member


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2014-08-25


Hello everyone,

I want to know, if I become an ANT+ member, Will I get more android APIs apart from ANT+ plugins.
As of now, we don't have APIs to set the channel ID and network key, Do I get any extra API access if I become a member?

Please reply as soon as possible.

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


All of the Android APIs are available to Adopters and do not require membership. So no, you will not get more Android APIs by signing up as a member.

If your objective is to create a custom ANT application (on a different network/ not ANT+) you should be using the ANT SDK. The ANT+ SDK is for use with the ANT+ device profiles and does not allow you to modify the network key and certain channel parameters to ensure interoperability with ANT+ devices.

Please refer to this link about the advantages of becoming an ANT+ member: http://www.thisisant.com/business/go-ant/levels-and-benefits/

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07