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amplification of the ANT + protocol


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2013-12-17



I wonder if there is a device capable of amplifying the ANT + signal.
The goal would be to detect an ANT + sensor at a distance of 100 meter.

Thank you for the interest you can wear my request.


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2013-12-17



Je recherche une solution pour amplifier mon signal ANT+ afin de capter mes capteurs ANT+ à une distance de 100 mètre ou plus avez vous une idée.

Merci pour vos réponse.      

Total Posts: 14

Joined 2012-11-16


In order to amplify the signal from the ANT IC you must add a gain stage on either the receive, transmit or both sides of the link. Many devices are available on the market that do both. A larger more efficient antenna may suffice. I would suggest that you contact the silicon vendor of the device you have for RF performance assistance. We are the support chain for the protocol itself and our modules which have a fixed antenna.      

Total Posts: 12

Joined 2013-12-17


Merci de votre réponse.
Enfaite j'ai une clé ANT+ brancher à mon ordinateur et des capteurs ANT+ sur un vélo mais je ne capte plus mes capteurs à partir de 15 mètres environ et ce que je cherche serait un répéteur pour le signal ANT+ qui permet d'amplifier mon signal pour que mon ordinateur détecte les capteurs ANT+ à 100 mètres.
J'ai découvert l'appareil WASP qui aurais cette fonctionnalité mais esqu'il renvoie du wifi ou de l'ANT+.      

Total Posts: 12

Joined 2013-12-17


Thank you for your response.
Infact I have an ANT + dongle connected to my computer and ANT + sensors on a bike but I do not pick my sensors from 15 meters away and what I want is a repeater for the ANT + signal for amplifying my signal that my computer detects the ANT + sensors at 100 meters.
I discovered WASP device that would have this feature, but WASP returns wifi or ANT +?      

Total Posts: 296

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Besides technical considerations, you should consider if your solution complies with your local regulations concerning usage of radio frequencies.