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ANT stick behaviour after Win sleep


Total Posts: 22

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Quoted from a thread on MSDN:

Thanks for your patience. We believe we have some tips that will resolve the problems you've been experiencing:

1. As most of you have found, it is best to not leave your computer in sleep mode. This creates a problem with the ANT stick and reception. If you do you leave your computer in sleep mode you will need to reboot your computer.
2. There may be a setting in your Internet Explorer that needs to change. It may be a matter of resetting all defaults for Internet Explorer. To do that go to Tools --> Internet Options--> Advanced tab, and reset all defaults.
3. Another thing to try in IE is to click on the Compatibility View button next to the address bar.

Keep us posted. We'll continue working on a solution.


End quote: there is no date stamp on the quoted text on MSDN so I don't know when this response was posted.

We are seeing this issue with a system tray application - computer is put into sleep mode - then woken up - the systray app is still running but the ANT stick comms fail. MSDN suggestion is to use devcon which involves opening a console port and re-directing I/O - messy. I've no idea who kk" is, I'm assuming a Garmin or Dynastream employee.

Have there been any developments / solutions developed for this issue please?

Thanks Rob      

Total Posts: 22

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I've made some progress with this issue using application.restart() with a watchdog, so basically my app re-starts after the PC wakes up from sleep mode. This works so long as my program is in a listening state with no active ANT data being received when the computer is put into sleep mode (so the ANT stick is sitting there listening in devicesearch with no other channels allocated). If the user puts the computer into sleep mode when there is active ANT data being received then the ANT stick driver is left in a state from which it can't recover when re-starting my application. It stays "busy". It won't let my program re-set it in this state, presumably because when Windows wakes up it gives my program a different ID so my program no longer "owns" the ANT driver (and that's before I have executed the restart). What it really needs is my app to be aware that the PC is about to sleep and to free-up the ANT driver before the PC goes into sleep mode, so this is really an MSDN question, not a thisisant question. Thanks Rob