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Time syncing to nearest 1mS


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-06-20


Hi all,

Im trying to sync multiple ANT radios to the nearest 1mS - and was looking for some feedback on what I am hoping will do the job.......
Our proposed setup is as follows - Master N51 module running S310 softdevice (BLE and ANT) sends application data to Android tablet via BLE. As I understand it, when BLE isnt active it can be running the ANT side of things. In this time it will be setup to broadcast a Timestamp message.
Multiple Slave ANT radios will be running the S310 softdevice (also talking to the Android tablet via BLE). These radios will be listening for the broadcast ANT messages coming from the the Master device. Once they receive this message, they will have the same time in milliseconds with an offset of up to 1 connection interval.

My problem is how do I get this down to 1mS? I have seen http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:418819/FULLTEXT01.pdf but this only gets down to 2.9mS.


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



You may have better luck if you use a transmit only master channel, rather than a bi-directional channel. This will disable ANT isochronous-adaptive coexistence so your channel will interfere with other channels on that frequency and will not timeshift anymore, but it should allow you to transmit faster. ~300 Hz is generally the fastest Tx rate guaranteed on most parts.
