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Connecting to N548M5CB


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2015-10-12



I'am trying to connect to N548M5CB-TRAY using ANTWARE2.. I am new to developing with ANT and can not seem to find the right frequency and channel to set my slave device to (USBAnt-M). I have found examples with the io layer on to but I only have the TRAY. The only way to connect to it is over the air at the moment.

The only wiring I have done on the N548M5CB-TRAY is supply it power.

I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction on this



Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



Have you programmed the N548 with a new application? The only way the module will work without any new application will be to kick it into "bootloader" mode as the default application is the network processor which requires a host to operate.

The Module datasheet offers information on how to activate bootloader mode.


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2015-10-12



Thanks for this I have read this section however i am still having some problems connected using the OTA update application. I had held pin 15 in the high position which should set the module into boatload mode. i have set the the ID to the default value. Would it be possible to point me in the right direction on this.


Ps I did once accidental power this unit with 5v for a couple of seconds. everything looks okay but how can I tell if this had broken it or not?